Why are my Gums Bleeding

In some cases, patients have bleeding gums due to a simple cause such as using an incorrect technique when brushing. Bleeding gums can also be a sign of a serious issue that needs involvement from a dentist for treatment. Below are common reasons that patients experience bleeding gums:
1. Brushing too aggressively or using a firm toothbrush
2. Certain medications
3. Dental restoration issues
4. Flossing with too much pressure
5. Gum disease
6. Hormonal changes including pregnancy
7. Ill-fitting dentures

Gum Disease

One of the most common causes for bleeding gums is gingivitis or gum disease. Inflammation is another common side effect associated with gingivitis. The earliest stage of gum disease is called gingivitis which is caused by the accumulation of plaque at the gumline. Gingivitis causes the gums to become irritated, swollen, red, and bleed. Gum disease can often be prevented through good oral hygiene practices at home. This includes brushing at least twice each day, daily flossing, and visits to the dentist for an examination and professional cleaning. Regular visits to the dentist can also aid in early detection of gum disease. Early detection helps to ensure a good outcome.

When gingivitis is not treated promptly, it can progress into periodontitis. This is the more severe form of gum disease which can result in long-term damage of the supportive tissue and bones which hold the teeth in place. Periodontitis can also cause the gums to become inflamed, infected, and pull away from tooth’s root. An early sign of periodontal disease is typically bleeding gums. The progression of the disease can cause loose teeth, gaps or shifting of the teeth, or tooth loss. Other symptoms of gum disease can include bad breath, a foul taste in the mouth, misaligned teeth, and gums which are red, swollen, and tender.


Diabetes is another cause for swollen or bleeding gums. This disease makes it more difficult for the mouth to fight off germs and puts patients at a higher risk for infections and gum disease. Diabetic patients also have high blood sugar levels. This makes it more difficult for the body to properly and effectively heal.


Another disease commonly associated with bleeding gums is leukemia. This is a form of blood cancer. Platelets exist in the blood and aid the body to stop bleeding. Patients with leukemia have a low platelet count, making it difficult for them to stop bleeding.
Deficiencies in Vitamin C&K
Patients need vitamin C in order for the body’s tissue to grow and repair. It aids in healing wounds, in addition to making the bones and teeth strong. Patients with low levels of vitamin C can easily become irritable, experience weakness, and have gums which are swollen or bleed easily.

Low levels of vitamin K can also result in gums which bleed. This vitamin helps the blood to clot properly. Vitamin K is also needed to maintain healthy bones. Patients deficient in vitamin K can experience issues with bleeding, including the gums.


Although it is quite rare, patients with severe vitamin C deficiencies can have scurvy. This disease is often associated with having poor nutrition. Scurvy can cause weakness, anemia, and bleeding. A common symptom of scurvy is bleeding gums.

Are Bleeding Gums Serious