Sinus Lift
Rockwall & Paris, Texas
Although advancements in dental technology have made dental implants a viable option for more and more patients, in some instances preparatory procedures will need to be performed before an implant can be placed. Patients who are missing upper molars and want to have a dental implant placed may be told that they must first have a sinus lift procedure due to bone loss that has occurred following the extraction or loss of a tooth or teeth. In order to make room for the bone, the membrane of the maxillary sinus cavity is moved upward or “lifted” and a bone graft is placed under the raised membrane. Once the graft has generated new bone, the implant can then be securely placed.
To learn more about the sinus lift procedure or other services offered at our office, please refer to the following. To schedule an appointment for a sinus lift, contact our Rockwall office today at (972) 771-8640 or our Paris office at (903) 785-4832.
Sinus Lift
Consultation and Procedure
If you want to have a dental implant placed, an initial examination will be necessary to determine if you are a viable candidate. During this examination, we will review your dental and medical history, perform a thorough evaluation of your mouth and gums, diagnose any underlying issues, and take diagnostic images using a dental CT (cone beam CT) scanner, which produces high-quality 3-D images of your bone, nerve pathways, soft tissues and teeth and will show us the bone density and volume at every point in your jaw, allowing us to determine if there is enough bone structure to support an implant, and if so, where the implant should be placed. We will also use these images with a special software to create a surgical guide to ensure the implant is precisely inserted into the pre-planned position.
If the results of these images indicate that too much bone loss has occurred and a sinus lift or bone graft is necessary, we will explain our findings, discuss treatment options, and answer any questions you may have. When you decide to move forward with the sinus lift procedure, a follow up appointment will be scheduled to monitor your healing progression.
Before we begin the sinus lift procedure, we will administer a local anesthetic to ensure you do not feel any discomfort. We also offer several different dental sedation options, including oral and IV sedation to ensure you are calm and comfortable throughout the procedure. Once you are numbed and comfortable, the procedure will begin.
We will make a small incision in your gum in order to expose the bone and cut a small opening or window in the bone using our Piezoelectric surgical device to access the membrane. Unlike conventional instruments, Piezosurgery uses ultrasonic vibrations to precisely cut the bone, reducing procedural trauma and ensuring you have a faster healing period. Finally, we will push the sinus membrane up, using Piezosurgery device, and place the grafting material along with growth proteins that will help prevent infection and swelling and speed up the bone regeneration process. If possible, we will place the implant immediately after placing this graft, but in many cases, it will be necessary to wait for the bone to regenerate first then return at a later time to place the dental implant. This decision is based on the amount of bone available in the area and will be discussed based on findings from the dental CT (cone beam CT) scan.
Sinus Lift
Aftercare Insructions
Once the sinus lift procedure is complete, we will go over aftercare instructions, which should be carefully followed to avoid developing complications and ensuring your recovery process is as fast as possible. One of the most important things to remember following the sinus lift procedure is to avoid blowing your noise and/or sneezing for the first few days if possible. It is common to experience some bleeding for a few hours after the sinus lift procedure, possibly even from the nose. Pain or discomfort can be alleviated with over-the-counter or prescription strength pain medication. Finally, it is a good idea to rest as much as possible for the first 48-72 hours following your sinus lift procedure.
Once the healing process is complete, you can schedule an appointment for a dental implant. As with the sinus lift, we will first administer a local anesthetic and sedation. Following this, we will make a small incision in your gums, prepare the site for the implant to placed in your jawbone and place the dental implant. Once this post has finished the osseointegration process, your permanent restoration will be placed.
Sinus Lift
Costs associated
The cost of the sinus lift will largely depend on any additional procedures being performed along with your sinus lift, what type of dental sedation is used, and your dental insurance plan. It is also important to factor in the cost of the initial visit and any follow up appointments that may be necessary. There may also be additional costs if antibiotics or pain medication is prescribed.
For patients who are covered under a dental insurance plan, although we are not in-network, we will gladly help prepare and file your claim to ensure you receive your maximum reimbursement. Payment is due in full on the day of treatment. We accept cash, check, Visa, Discover, Mastercard, and American Express. If you are concerned about the cost of receiving treatment, please know that we offer our patients Compassionate Finance, which offers a variety of payment solutions with fixed interest rates and manageable monthly payments and CareCredit®, which offers 24-monty payment plans with zero interest, as well as low-interest financing for 24-60 months.