The problem with missing teeth is; if you don't replace them you will lose more. It’s that simple. The gums and jaw suffer, dry up, and are more prone to infection. Your jawbone struggles to deal with the gap your tooth left behind, it begins to shrink and deform. Your face shape can actually change over time. Not to mention, you smile less. It is clinically proven that smiling less makes you less happy. Do yourself a favor and replace missing teeth before them become a problem.
What causes missing teeth?
The root cause can be varied. Often though, tooth loss stems from the gums. Either infection has found its way into the gums, or the patient is suffering from a degenerative gum disease. The two are not mutually exclusive, and have some overlap.
In short infection and disease are both affected by bacteria and leftover decaying food material. If the patient does not take proper precaution to remove this material, the odds increase that bacteria will form. As bacteria forms and multiples, the leftover slurry hardens and forms plaque, which builds up between and on the surface of teeth. This substance works its way into the gumline and destroys the teeth from under the gums.
See your Dentist
A dentist can take a full mouth scan and determine what the health of your jaw, gums, and teeth look like. Then you can begin to discuss tooth replacement options. Your dentist can also refer you to a hygienist, or they may have one in house. A hygienist can provide you with a thorough cleaning, which may include scaling. Scaling is when a tool is used to stimulate the tissues underneath your gums, further securing your teeth in place and physically removing debris. Your hygienist is a key member of the tooth care team. They can advise you on any deficiencies you have in dental care.
What replacement options are right for you?
Did you lose your tooth down to the root? Did you have a fall and chip an incisor? Have you lost a whole bottom row of teeth? Every problem has a different solution. Which one is right for you? Your dentist will advise, but here are a few common ones.
* Crown or Cap- A fairly simple outpatient procedure wherein a synthetic crown, or tooth, is attached to healthy root structure. It functions just like your regular tooth, and must be cared for the same way.
* Dental Implant- A Comprehensive replacement option, replace one or many teeth with a securely anchored dental implant. The anchor piece will be inserted into your jaw, which requires recovery time. During the recovery your jaw bone will actually fuse to the implant, making it as secure as any other tooth. Care for it with proper hygiene, you’re not replacing your gums too.
* Dentures- Dentures can replace rows of teeth in your mouth. A composite model of a whole row of teeth is used and fitted to the dimensions of your jaw. They can be anchored with an implant or slip out every night. Whatever works for your lifestyle.