Today, dentures, bridges, and dental implants are the most popular tooth replacement treatment options in the United States. Conventional dentures are removable artificial teeth that sit on top of the gums. Bridges can be either removable or fixed. On the other hand, dental implants are permanently installed in the jawbone, offering the security and durability the alternative options do not. Unfortunately, having a healthy jawbone is essential to being eligible for implant treatment and some patients don’t have healthy enough bones to qualify. For patients who want dental implants but may not qualify, mini dental implants offer the perfect solution. Below is information on mini dental implants to help you decide if this treatment may be right for you.
What are Dental Implants?
Dental implants are posts that are installed into the jawbone during a surgical procedure. After the implant surgery, the implant fuses with the jawbone during a several month healing period. This period is critical to the success of the dental implant treatment. It is important to know that the health of the jawbone is essential to this healing period and to the jawbone securely holding the implant in place overtime. Dental implants are designed to be a permanent tooth replacement treatment, offering stability and durability similar to natural teeth.
What are Mini Dental Implants?
Designed to provide the same function as dental implants, mini dental implants are very similar, but built in a slightly smaller size. Mini implants are usually 1.8 to 3.3 mm in diameter. Like regular dental implants, mini implants can be used to support dentures, bridges or crowns. It is common for dental implant treatment to take at least several months and numerous dental appointments. Additionally, bone-grafting or additional treatments are sometimes required for the treatment to be successful. Mini implants, on the other hand, require just one dental visit for installation and offer a similar result as traditional implants without all of the extra treatments and time. Mini implants offer an ideal tooth replacement solution for patients who do not want invasive surgery, are unable to attend repeat dental appointments, or do not have sufficient bone mass in their jawbone to support traditional dental implants.
Maintaining Mini Dental Implants
Mini dental implants offer many benefits to patients, including requiring very minimal care to maintain. Mini implants are similar to natural teeth, meaning they only need to be flossed and brushed daily with normal toothpaste. Immediately after the implant installation, it is common to expect some tenderness and sensitivity. During this initial tenderness, patients should continue to brush daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush.
If you have missing teeth, you may notice it is impacting your self-esteem, confidence, and quality of life. Mini dental implant treatment may be the perfect solution to help restore your teeth’s function, your ability to speak, and the overall appearance of the smile. If you are considering dental implants but are not sure you qualify, you should contact your dentist and see if mini dental implants may be right for you.