Gum Appearance and Gingivectomy


A common treatment used to resolve inflammation and receding gums is a gingivectomy. Nearly half of all adults have a form of gum disease. When left untreated, this can result in serious, long-term consequences. A gingivectomy is one of the only treatment options which can successfully restore the gums and reverse the complications of gum disease.


A local anesthetic is used to numb the treatment area and gum tissue is then removed. The gumline is also shaped and the wound is sealed with sutures or the laser. A dental putty is then placed over the treatment site to protect the gums during the recovery process. Patients should eat soft foods during the recovery period and avoid hot, crunchy, or hard foods and drinks.

The dental professional will use the procedure to resolve the following conditions or issues:

  • Preventing the spread of infection
  • Remove infected gum tissue
  • Cosmetically improve the patient’s smile
  • Make it easier for patients to maintain good oral hygiene
  • Treating receding gums from natural aging or an injury

Gum Disease

Dental professionals often recommend a gingivectomy for patients when their gums begin to pull away from the teeth. When this occurs, deep pockets can develop below the gumline which easily accumulate plaque, bacteria, and tartar. The pockets also make it difficult to maintain good oral hygiene.

Traditional dental instruments such as a scalpel are commonly used for the procedure. Dental professionals have started using lasers which are extremely effective. Lasers are quickly gaining popularity, but they also require additional training and are more expensive. A key benefit of lasers is that the recovery time is expedited. Scalpels are still preferred by some dental professionals as they are incredibly effective and affordable.

Post-Procedure Care

A warm rinse with salt can be swished around in the mouth to keep it clean for the first day after the procedure. Patients can typically start brushing within a day or two but should continue to avoid brushing near the treatment site. Flossing should be avoided around the treatment site for a few days or more. This helps ensure the gums are able to heal completely.


Tobacco products should not be used during the recovery from a gingivectomy as it can inhibit the body’s ability to fight infection and heal. This can be a great opportunity for patients to completely stop the use of tobacco.

Procedure Benefits

The main benefit of a gingivectomy is restoration of the gums. In order to maintain the benefits, patients must continue practicing good oral hygiene which includes brushing twice each day and daily flossing. Patients should also make routine visits to the dentist for a professional cleaning and examination. The failure to practice good oral hygiene can allow for the return of gum disease and also result in receding gums.

Call to schedule an appointment and discuss if you may benefit from a gingivectomy to restore your gums. The team is happy to answer any questions related to the procedure and how it can enhance the appearance of damaged or overgrown gums.

How Painful is a Gingivectomy?