How Painful is a Gingivectomy?

In a gingivectomy, excess gum tissue is surgically removed. This outpatient surgical procedure is often used in the treatment of gum disease. Additionally, a gingivectomy can be used cosmetically to eliminate overgrown gum tissue which causes a gummy smile which can make the teeth look smaller and out of proportion. A summary of the gingivectomy procedure, recovery, and pain is outlined below.


The procedure for a gingivectomy is summarized below:

  1. The gums are numbed with a local anesthetic before beginning the procedure. This helps to ensure patients do not experience pain during the treatment. Sedation can also be used for patients who are highly anxious or anxious.
  2. Overgrown or excess gum tissue is then removed with a laser or scalpel.
  3. The gums are then reshaped and adjusted in order to be uniform and proportionate to the teeth.
  4. Stitches are commonly used to seal the wound and reduce bleeding. A putty-like material is placed over the treatment site to protect the gums while they heal
  5. When a laser is used, stitches are typically not needed.


A gingivectomy takes an average of 30-60 minutes to complete. The timeline for the procedure depends on the amount of gum tissue being removed and how many teeth are being treated. Depending on the amount of work required for treatment, more than one appointment may be needed.

Post Procedure

Gingivectomies are an outpatient procedure, meaning patients can leave and go home right after the procedure. Patients will be provided with specific instructions to follow. These instructions and restrictions should be closely followed to reduce the risk for complications and ensure the gums properly heal.

Brushing and Flossing

Patients should not brush on or around the treatment site for about 24 to 48 hours following the procedure. Good oral hygiene is critical to prevent infection. The treatment area will be very sensitive so patients must be extremely cautious with brushing. It is best to use a soft bristled toothbrush and brush with gentle pressure. A special mouthwash or salt water may be suggested by the dental professional to keep the mouth clean and prevent infection immediately following surgery.


One common concern patients have regarding the gingivectomy procedure is regarding how much pain to expect . One major benefit of the procedure is that patients do not feel any pain during the procedure because of the local anesthetic. There may be some minor discomfort and tenderness for a few days after the procedure, but this should go away quickly. In most cases, any pain which patients experience after treatment can be managed by taking an over-the-counter pain reliever. If patients experience severe pain which does not improve, they should contact the dental team to follow up as this could indicate a serious problem.

Dietary Restrictions

Patients can eat after a gingivectomy but should wait for the anesthesia to wear off to ensure patients don’t accidentally bite their cheek or tongue.  It is best to consume soft foods including pudding, smoothies, yogurt, mashed potatoes, or soup to ensure the gums are not damaged. Patients should avoid consuming hot, crunchy, or chewy foods. Be sure to drink plenty of water during the recovery and avoid using a straw.

Contact the office today to schedule an appointment with the team. We look forward to working with you to determine if a gingivectomy may be right for you.

What is a Gingivectomy?