Dental implants are considered a permanent dental restoration, so if your dental implant is moving, there’s something wrong. If you observe any movement in your dental implant, avoid pushing or prodding it with your tongue or fingers, and don’t try to fix it yourself; this could dislodge the implant entirely and cause a dental emergency. Natural teeth are supposed to show a little movement, since they’re held into the mouth by a flexible, strong ligament made of tissue similar to gum tissue; if the teeth move too much and loosen or fall out, far more serious issues arise. Because dental implants are held in place by bone, however, which is supposed to be strong and supportive, if your implant is moving, it’s a sign that something is wrong. In many cases, the part of the dental implant that is loose is one of the exterior components and may be an easy fix. The only person who can diagnose this is a dentist, though, so don’t try to move or reposition your loose implant on your own – this could cause far more damage to arise, especially if the implant post itself is loose. To understand the risks associated with dental implants moving, it’s helpful to understand the mechanics of dental implants themselves.
Dental implants are dental restorations that are made of a few different parts: an implant post, an implant abutment, and the dental restoration or prosthetic tooth itself. Dental implant posts are surgically placed into the jaw bone and given time to heal. The dental implant post is held in place by the bone in the jaw and is designed to be permanent, and the success of dental implants relies in large part on the health of the bone that supports them, while they, in turn, support the health of the bone. When a person loses one of their natural teeth, the bone in the area where the tooth root once was begins to deteriorate due to lack of use. Dental implant posts are made of medical-grade material, usually titanium, that is clinically shown to attract and react well with bone tissue. As the bone surrounding the implant heals, it fuses with the implant post, in a process called osseointegration, which helps it become a long-lasting, reliable support for an artificial tooth or row of teeth.
Once the bone has fully healed, dental restorations can be placed. You may have gotten a temporary dental crown to wear while your bone heals, and this could fall out; if it does, see your dentist, and bring it with you, so that the bone stays in the optimal situation for healing. After the bone has healed, the gum tissue is pulled back and an implant abutment is affixed to the top of the implant and the gum tissue is allowed to heal around the abutment for a couple of weeks. Then, the dental crown is attached to the abutment, kind of like a jewel is attached to a setting. Implants can support individual crowns and could also be used to support a few teeth or an entire row of teeth. These larger dental restorations can loosen, too, if an attachment apparatus loosens or detaches. When a single tooth is missing, an implant restoration could be the ideal solution. An implant-supported dental crown is a single artificial tooth that is supported by a single dental implant and functions and looks just like a healthy natural tooth. If a dental crown is loose, it could be because the screw that holds it into the abutment is loose. Tightening the screw is usually a quick and easy fix, though it depends on the type of implant you have. If the dental crown falls out, it could be a problem with the implant abutment or with the screw. Make sure to hang on to your dental crown if it falls out, and remember to take it to the dentist with you when you go. If it’s loose but it’s still in your mouth, take care to avoid using it to bite or chew and avoid trying to move it while you wait to see the dentist. The success rate of dental implants is very high, and with the proper care, they can last several years. If your implant is loose, call your dentist and schedule an appointment. While you wait to see your dentist, avoid trying to move the loose implant yourself, as doing so will cause additional damage, and plan to see your implant dentist within 48 hours.
More often than not, when a person notices a dental implant moving or if a crown or other dental restoration loosens or falls off, it’s because of one of these external components of the implant restoration. If the implant post itself is moving, however, it’s likely to be an indication that the bone that supports the implant is compromised, which requires immediate medical attention. It may be difficult for you to determine the source of the mobility, and pushing or prodding a loose implant when it’s the implant post itself that’s loose could have dramatic consequences. Don’t manipulate the area to try to determine the source of the issue; call your dentist and let an expert assess the situation and talk to you about treatment options. While you wait to see your dentist, make sure to keep the inside of the mouth clean, brushing gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush and flossing between the teeth to remove debris. Try to focus on brushing the gums where the loose implant is, but be careful not to bump the tooth itself. If you notice that your gums are bleeding or sore, or if you see swelling in your gums, these could be signs of gum disease or signs of an implant that is compromised in some way, and your dentist can help with this, too. It’s far easier to treat problems with the gums when they’re caught early, though, so see your dentist if you notice any of these symptoms, and see your dentist as soon as you can if an implant is loose or falls out.